OCAJP 8 Preparation

OCAJP 8 Preparation Tips

The term OCAJP 8 refers Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 8 Programmer. This is an entry level Java programmer certification offered by Oracle.
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Quick overview of OCAJP 8

This is an entry level Java SE 8 Programmer certification without any mandatory pre-requirement.

Exam Number 1Z0-808
Duration 150
Exam Title Java SE 8 Programmer I
Number of Questions 80
Passing Score 65%
Java Version SE 8
Exam Format Multiple Choice
Exam Price Contac Oracle Site or Local Test Center

What are the topics covered in OCAJP 8 Preparation?

You must cover the following exam topics for OCAJP 8 Preparation:

Java Basics 

  • Define the scope of variables
  • Define the structure of a Java class
  • Create executable Java applications with a main method; run a Java program from the command line; produce console output
  • Import other Java packages to make them accessible in your code
  • Compare and contrast the features and components of Java such as: platform independence, object orientation, encapsulation, etc.

Working With Java Data Types 

  • Declare and initialize variables (including casting of primitive data types)
  • Differentiate between object reference variables and primitive variables
  • Know how to read or write to object fields
  • Explain an Object’s Lifecycle (creation, “dereference by reassignment” and garbage collection)
  • Develop code that uses wrapper classes such as Boolean, Double, and Integer

Using Operators and Decision Constructs 

  • Use Java operators; use parentheses to override operator precedence
  • Test equality between Strings and other objects using == and equals ()
  • Create if and if/else and ternary constructs
  • Use a switch statement

Creating and Using Arrays 

  • Declare, instantiate, initialize and use a one-dimensional array
  • Declare, instantiate, initialize and use multi-dimensional arrays

Using Loop Constructs 

  • Create and use while loops
  • Create and use for loops including the enhanced for loop
  • Create and use do/while loops
  • Compare loop constructs
  • Use break and continue

Working with Methods and Encapsulation 

  • Create methods with arguments and return values; including overloaded methods
  • Apply the static keyword to methods and fields
  • Create and overload constructors; differentiate between default and user defined constructors
  • Apply access modifiers
  • Apply encapsulation principles to a class
  • Determine the effect upon object references and primitive values when they are passed  into methods that change the values

Working with Inheritance 

  • Describe inheritance and its benefits
  • Develop code that makes use of polymorphism; develop code that overrides methods;  differentiate between the type of a reference and the type of an object
  • Determine when casting is necessary
  • Use super and this to access objects and constructors
  • Use abstract classes and interfaces

Handling Exceptions 

  • Differentiate among checked exceptions, unchecked exceptions, and Errors
  • Create a try-catch block and determine how exceptions alter normal program flow
  • Describe the advantages of Exception handling
  • Create and invoke a method that throws an exception
  • Recognize common exception classes (such as NullPointerException, ArithmeticException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, ClassCastException)

Working with Selected classes from the Java API 

  • Manipulate data using the StringBuilder class and its methods
  • Create and manipulate Strings
  • Create and manipulate calendar data using classes from java.time.LocalDateTime,  java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter, java.time.Period
  • Declare and use an ArrayList of a given type
  • Write a simple Lambda expression that consumes a Lambda Predicate expression

OCAJP 8 Preparation Tips

OCAJP 8 Top 10 Preparation Tips

Tip #1: The real exam tests your programming skills for OCAJP 8 and it requires good preparation on each and every exam objective. Download JDK 8 from Oracle’s website and workout more program examples.

Tip #2: Don’t rush into practicing with mock exams before you get good knowledge in exam syllabus.

Tip #3: Take pocket diary or pocket size papers to note important highlights and it will be very useful for quick preparation.

Tip #4: 100% syllabus coverage is good for getting great score in real exam. Do not skip any topics; try to do more research if you are unclear in any exam topics.

Tip #5: Create folder structure for each exam topic and maintain your code for future reference. Play more with your program examples and study well on each exam objective. Do more research on when Exception will be thrown, changes in which line will create success /failure, what will be the output… etc.

Tip #6:  Remember that your real exam does not allow you to compile/run the code. You just write calculation/logic flow in a paper to come up with the result. So practice more on your programs and improve your knowledge to know the result of a program without running the code.

Tip #7: If you have completed all these steps successfully you are ready to prepare with OCAJP 8 Mock Exams. Try with free mock exams first and then workout your practice questions covered in your preparation book.

Tip #8:  Choose best preparation mock exams for OCAJP 8 and start attending full length mock exams to know your skill levels on exam objective. Read explanations and prepare well to get good score in mock exams.

Tip #9:  You can plan for your real exam schedule once you are good confidence in OCAJP 8 exam objectives. You must be prepared to answer in any exam objective with or without program.

Tip #10:  On real exam Center, take a deep breath and open your test session. Don’t rush into answering all questions in same sequence, try to prioritize and complete the exam.

  • First round, answer questions which you know very well
  • Second Round, try to answer with the help of paper work and mark any questions which need further attention
  • Third round, verify answers for the marked questions and correct them
  • Fourth round, review all question & answers
  • Final Review, do not click finish before the time expires. You can still have time for changes in your answers during review, so do more review if you have time.

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