How to get Java Fresher job?

Tips for Java Fresher to land in a Job

Are you searching Java job and struggling to land as fresher? Read this article to get breath-out from your Job worry.

The great news from Oracle is that Java is still hot in current IT market.

“According to Oracle, over 30,000 organizations had become Fusion Middleware customers, including over 35 of the world’s 50 largest companies.

The other big player is IBM also using Java. The rest of the market is taken by Microsoft. There is big room for Java in bank sector, financial sector, military, governments, army. It can only be used for web sites, but not distributed application, business intelligence.”

So, no worry on Java job market and still you have good chance to land as a fresher.

Who is Java fresher?

Java candidate without any Job experience. But this is not the right answer for this question and correct answer should be “Java candidate with right Java skills with programming experience”. Wow… confusing, yes the right candidate must have good knowledge in Core Java skills with good programming skills.

How to get Java Fresher job?

Step 1: Improve Java Skills

The skills required for a Java Fresher depends on the company/project you have been appointed.

Case #1: Java Fresher in Desktop Application or Console based App development

Desktop Application Development

Get comfortable writing OO Concepts in the following areas:

  1. Abstract Class
  2. Interface
  3. Inheritance (extending classes)
  4. Implementing interfaces
  5. Polymorphism (method overriding in sub classes)
  6. Class Design (constructors vs. methods, this vs. super, method overloading, constructor overloading)

Core Java concepts

  1. Java primitive types (char, byte, int, long, double, float and boolean)
  2. Primitive Wrapper Classes (Character, Byte, Integer, Long, Double, Float and Boolean)
  3. Auto-boxing and un-boxing (primitive to primitive wrapper object and primitive wrapper object to primitive)
  4. String class methods (length(), split(), replaceAll(), substring(), charAt()… etc)
  5. StringBuilder class
  6. StringBuffer class
  7. Java Threads (Thread vs. Runnable)
  8. Java Conditional Statements
  9. Java Loops (for and enhanced for loop, while, do/while, switch)
  10. Exception Handling
  11. Java arrays and Java Collections (useful for swap/search)
  12. Java Collections (Vector, ArrayList, HashMap…. etc)
  13. JDBC basics (simple JDBC driver Connection example)
  14. Java Date/Time basic skills
  15. Java IO and Java NIO skills

Desktop App Development Skills
Get comfortable writing Java code using Swing/AWT components.
Few companies may use Java FX for desktop App development, so improve your skill on this area if your company requires it.
Java Web Start development skills.
Java JAR file creation with main class.

Latest Java version skills
Get comfortable writing Java code using latest API changes. If you are already good at Java, it is suggested to learn latest packages/API changes. You may come to know that an older version 10 lines of code can be simplified by just 1 or 2 lines using latest classes/methods.

Case #2: Java EE Fresher in Web Application or Enterprise App development

Enterprise App development

Study well on all Case #1 skills except desktop App development.

Java EE Development Skills

  1. Application/Web Server Skills (Tomcat/Glashfish)
  2. Get comfortable writing Java Servlets
  3. Get comfortable writing JSP pages
  4. HTML basic skills (required for JSP page development)
  5. Basic theory knowledge about EJB (Stateless Session Bean, Stateful Session Bean, Singleton Session Bean and Message Driven Bean)
  6. What is JPA? (Just read few lines about JPA for interview preparation. You can improve JPA & EJB skills later after getting experience in Java EE web component development)

Read this article about Java EE tier: 

Step 2: Improve Java Skills by Oracle Java Certification

The better way to improve Java programming skill is by Oracle’s Java programmer certification preparation. You no need to attend exam, but the preparation will shape-up your programming skills.

Step 3: Update your resume with Java Skills and Java Certifications

There may be millions of Java resumes applied for a job vacancy and there will be very limited profiles are selected for interview. In the market Java certified professionals always get an edge over non-certified professionals. Java Certification recognized as the highest professional and best credentials in the field of Information Technology. Yout resume must have latest Java Skills with academic projects.

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