EJB Certification Exam Objectives

Section 1: Introduction to Java EE
  1. Gain an understanding of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
  2. Examine the Java EE application architecture
  3. Examine Java EE container services
  4. Examine the EJB component types
  5. Evaluate the EJB Lite Container
  6. Compare Java EE application development with traditional enterprise application development
Section 2: Implementing Session Beans
  1. Examine session beans
  2. Identify the three types of session beans
  3. Choose the correct session bean type given a business constraint
  4. Create session beans Package and deploy session beans
Section 3: Accessing Session Beans
  1. Understand the purpose and role of JNDI in relation to EJB components
  2. Configure JNDI environment properties
  3. Use JNDI to look up a resource
  4. Write code that receives a resource reference through injection
  5. Create a session bean client
  6. Create a session facade
  7. Use dependency injection to locate an EJB
Section 4: Advanced Session Bean Concepts
  1. Understand the relationship between the EJB container and an EJB component
  2. Describe the life cycle for stateless and stateful session beans
  3. Implement session bean life cycle methods
  4. Use a session bean to perform asynchronous communication
  5. Have fine-grained control over packaging and deployment
Section 5: Singleton Session Bean
  1. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of using a singleton session bean
  2. Create a singleton session bean
  3. Describe the life cycle of a singleton session bean
  4. Implement singleton session bean life cycle methods
  5. Describe singleton concurrency access
  6. Implement a concurrency management strategy
Section 6: Developing Java EE Applications Using Messaging
  1. Review JMS technology
  2. Describe the roles of the participants in the JMS API messaging system
  3. Create a queue message producer
  4. Create a synchronous message consumer
Section 7: Developing Message-Driven Beans
  1. Understand the short-comings of using session beans as messaging consumers
  2. Describe the properties and life cycle of message-driven beans
  3. Create a JMS message-driven bean
  4. Create life cycle event handlers for a JMS message-driven bean
  5. Configure a JMS message-driven bean
Section 8: Using Timer ServicesObjectives
  1. Describe timer services
  2. Create a timer notification callback
  3. Process a timer notification callback Manage timer objects
Section 9: Implementing Interceptor Classes and Methods
  1. Describe interceptors and interceptor classes
  2. Create a business interceptor method in the enterprise bean class
  3. Create an interceptor class
  4. Associate multiple business interceptor methods with an enterprise bean
  5. Include life cycle callback interceptor methods in an interceptor class
Section 10: Implementing Transactions
  1. Describe transaction demarcation management
  2. Implement CMT
  3. Interact programmatically with an ongoing CMT transaction
  4. Implement BMT Apply transactions to messaging
Section 11: Implementing Security
  1. Understand the Java EE security architecture
  2. Authenticate the caller Examine Java EE authorization strategies
  3. Use declarative authorization
  4. Use programmatic authorization Examine the responsibilities of the deployer
Section 12: Using EJB Technology Best Practices
  1. Define best practices and state the benefits of using EJB technology best practices
  2. Select and apply known patterns to Java EE application design
  3. Incorporate effective exception handling into your Java EE application design